Third Culture Kids & Adults
Thriving in the liminal space

Homecoming: Repatriation experiences of young adult missionary kids (MKs) & TCKs
Key points from 2009 Article:
A consensual qualitative investigation into the repatriation experiences of young adult, missionary kids,
Lynette H. Bikosa*, Julia Kochelevab
, David Kinga, Glenna C. Changb, Anne McKenzieb, Chris Roenickeb, Victoria Campbellb and Katrina Eckardb
Mental Health, Religion & Culture
Vol. 12, No. 7, November 2009, 735–754
Study employed a constructivist-interpretivist approach with Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) to interview young adult, repatriated MK and those who support them.
CQR analysis of the MK data resulted in three domains (adjusting to the home country, MK identity and personal growth, and support systems) and 16 core ideas which elaborate on those themes.
MK supporter interviews resulted in four similar domains
(adjustment, identity, relationships, support systems) and 16 core ideas.